If I were a Bullet

Oleh : Turab

NarasiPost.Com-If I were a bullet..

I would crash your heads and tear your skins
I would blast your tanks and artileries into pieces
I would break your jets down and hack your drones

But I were not..

I am only a creepy creature
I have no authority nor power but demands
I would like to say to those who kill and harm my sisters and brothers out there
Beware of your evileness

Al Aqsa is not yours, it is ours
Thousands of martyrs had tributed their lives only to save it from harm
Nobody has any privilege to claim it, except us

Al Aqsa is ours, it belongs to us
It belongs to Moslems
It is one of the most blessed places on earth
It is our lives, our dignity and simbol of faith
Or maybe you don't even understand the meaning of faith

To all the Moslem leaders out there
How could you sleep
How could you eat and have party with your colleagues
Shaking hands and ratifying a bloody partnership in the name of normalization
Be fear of Allah, He will ask you for these

Stop cursing and acting as if you stood with us
Where are your armies?
Why did we find them fighting and bombing with other Moslems
Allah knows better who are indeed with the agressor

O Allah
Grant us strength to cope with this battle
Unmask their conspiracy and let us know who they are
Preserve Al Aqsa till it will be the capital of our Caliphate

O Allah
Let us be a part of Al Aqsa defenders
Let us be Your faithful servant
Let us strive for the glory of Islam and Moslems[]

Photo : Google

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Www.NarasiPost.Com adalah media independent tanpa teraliansi dari siapapun dan sebagai wadah bagi para penulis untuk berkumpul dan berbagi karya.  NarasiPost.Com melakukan seleksi dan berhak menayangkan berbagai kiriman Anda. Tulisan yang dikirim tidak boleh sesuatu yang hoaks, berita kebohongan, hujatan, ujaran kebencian, pornografi dan pornoaksi, SARA, dan menghina kepercayaan/agama/etnisitas pihak lain. Pertanggungjawaban semua konten yang dikirim sepenuhnya ada pada pengirim tulisan/penulis, bukan Www.NarasiPost.Com. Silakan mengirimkan tulisan anda ke email narasipostmedia@gmail.com

TKA Cina Masuk ke Indonesia, Nasib Buruh Lokal Pun Merana
Solusi Tuntas bagi Muslim Uighur
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